Have you seen the new Google Ads interface and immediately changed it back?
Throughout this blog, I will be highlighting some of the main changes in the new Google Ads interface. Settings that I struggled to find, and sharing these I’m hoping it’ll encourage you to transition to using the new interface.
Google changed the interface to make it more efficient giving all users the chance to be more productive as well as making everything easier to navigate. Although there have been many mixed opinions about the new interface, Google decided to roll it out to more and more advertisers and have said it will become the main interface for Google Ads.
The main thing that has changed with the new interface is the navigation, instead of being at the top of the page, it is now on the left-hand side. Just to make things that little bit more confusing, they have also changed the tabs on the navigation. The new tabs all have their own purpose:
Create ➝ this button is used to create new campaigns, ad groups, and ads.
Campaigns ➝ the purpose of this tab is to analyse, optimise, and manage your new and ongoing campaigns.
Goals ➝ this tab is all about creating, defining, monitoring, and updating your conversion goals and attribution settings.
Tools ➝ using the tools tab, you can access different planning tools, bidding and budgeting tools, troubleshooting tools, and more.
Billing ➝ this tab allows you to monitor the spending of the campaigns as well as control the payment information and the invoices.
Admin ➝ this is the last tab on the navigation, allowing you to manage the team, security, and account setting
Although Google Ads have changed the interface to make it easier for advertisers, there are a few things that have changed places and can be quite tricky to find. Here is what I struggled to find:
Search Terms ➝ to find the search terms, it is no longer under the keywords section, now it is under Insights & Reports
Negative Keywords & Placement Exclusion Lists ➝ these are now grouped together under Tools > Shared Library > Exclusions Lists, here you will find them both. They are towards the top of the page with different tabs, one named ‘Negative Keywords List’ and the other named ‘Placement Exclusion Lists’
Campaign Settings ➝ this is no longer in the same place as the account settings, to find the campaign settings there are two different ways. You can either: hover over the campaign you want to access the settings to in the all campaigns view and the setting toggle will appear or you can go into the campaign and along the top, just above the graph there are 3 different tabs and it is along there.
Read more about the new Google Ads interface on the Google Help Page, https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/13342657?hl=en
If you already have a Google Ads or Microsoft Ads account, you can request a FREE PPC audit from Forrest Digital by clicking this link.
If you don’t yet have any Ads accounts or would like to discuss our paid marketing service further, you can contact us through this form, or send an enquiry to hello@forrestdigital.com and one of our team will be happy to get you started on your paid marketing journey.